Webnovel Announcement

Last Updated: Jul 26, 2017

Hello Novel Community,

Qidian International was founded on the belief that we would provide a better experience for reading translated Chinese webnovels. We’ve made large strides in this direction, providing infinite scroll, using unobtrusive ads, and keeping a smooth and clean interface. In addition, on the other side of the spectrum, we’ve created a standard pay for translators so that translators can bring their translations to be more than just a hobby but rather a stable part-time to even full-time job. Our vision is so that, one day, oversea readers have access to just as large as a library that the current Chinese readers do.

This brings us to our announcement, previously, Qidian came to an agreement with Wuxiaworld over the authorizations of 20 Qidian novels. And today, as part of that agreement, we have decided to dual-host the 20 authorized novels on webnovel.com. Our decision comes from our hope to see these translations spread to the largest possible audience and for more people to be able to enjoy these translations. Feel free to leave your questions and comments, we will do our best to answer them and make sure we keep you updated and informed.

Thank you for your support,

The team at Qidian International